Tasked with a wide range of duties - from assisting our medical staff through to carefully transporting patients, medical equipment and supplies - our orderlies are always there to lend a hand. Often they are the ones providing a sympathetic ear, giving a nod of understanding or a smile. Regardless of how big or small the task, the appreciation from staff and patients is huge.
Thank an Orderly Day is all about telling our orderly team how much they are valued and that the significant contribution their services make to the smooth running of our hospitals doesn't go unnoticed.
Here's just some of the comments from staff and patients at Wairarapa Hospital:
"I couldn't do my job properly without the orderlies' support. And nothing is ever too much trouble"
"I'd like to thank the orderlies for always being professional and always being there"
"I am so thankful to the orderly who helped transport my mum recently, she felt she was in good hands"
"I want to thank the orderlies for asking me if everything was OK, it was great to hear a friendly voice"
"You are fantastic"
"Thank you for everything you do to keep our hospitals safe and running smoothly and all the support you give our staff and patients day-in and day-out"
Thank you to everyone who took the time to thank our orderlies this week!