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0800 946 9800
(06) 946 9800

Outpatient appointments

Wairarapa Hospital Map

Contact details for your clinic will be on the letter you received from the DHB.

Please let us know if you are unable to attend your appointment or need to change it for any reason.


Due to infection control processes we cannot provide reading material in the waiting areas - we recommend you bring reading material with you to read while you wait. Thank you for your understanding. 








If contacting us by email please include your full name, address, contact telephone number, patient reference number, appointment date, and the name of the person the appointment is with in your email.

Outpatient appointments: (06) 946 9800 Extension 4150, Email: outpatients@wairarapa.dhb.org.nz

Orthopaedic, Plastics: (06) 946 9832

Medical, Cardiology, Oncology, Diabetes: (06) 946 9800 xtn 4152

Gynaecology, Surgical, Opththalmology: (06) 946 9833

Paediatric, Gastroenterology: (06) 946 9800 xtn 4150

ENT, Lymphoedema, Orthotics: (06) 946 9800 xtn 4159

Urology: (06) 946 9800 xtn 4099/6210


The National Travel Assistance scheme

If you, or a family member, need to travel long distances – or frequently – to see a specialist, then you may be eligible for help with expenses under the Ministry of Health's National Travel Assistance Scheme. These expenses may include travel, accommodation and support person costs.

If you have any queries please contact our patient travel coordinator on (06) 946 9800 Extension 4012 (Monday - Friday 0.930 am - 2.00 pm) or by email: NTA@wairarapa.dhb.org.nz