When your time is limited, your quality of life really matters.
Palliative care recognises that there is no cure for your condition but carers can support your independence and well-being to help you get the most out of your time. They can help you to manage your physical, emotional, spiritual and social well-being.
The Wairarapa Palliative Care Service aims to ensure that patients receive quality, coordinated health care and support services based on a palliative approach whereby your GP team is supported by palliative care specialist services.The DHB also provides services as part of this palliative care network:
Kahukura is the specialist Palliative Care nursing service in Wairarapa. We work in conjunction with Te Omanga Hospice to provide specialist nursing and medical palliative care. Our team of nurses provide services and support across the Wairarapa. We also work very closely with the patient's GP and practice nurses.
We care for patients in their own home and we provide support in the hospital and in aged residential care facilities. This includes a dedicated nurse educator who provides training to staff and volunteers from all agencies involved in palliative care.
- Kahukura Palliative Care Team
- Ph 06 370 8436
- 027 230 7427 8.00-4.30pm, 7 days
In home or in hospital
Terminally ill patients may be cared for in their own home, in hospital, and in aged residential care facilities. Support includes access to physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers.
FOCUS is the DHB Needs Assessment and service Coordination Agency.They have a palliative care team who can ensure that people are linked to services which may support them.
View more information about FOCUS
Hospice Wairarapa offers a range of practical, emotional, spiritual, and social support services to individuals with life-limiting illnesses and their whānau in Wairarapa. Our services are free and accessible, providing support from diagnosis through to bereavement. We work with patients to develop personalised support plans to enhance their quality of life.
We support individuals at home, in hospitals, and in aged care communities, working closely with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care.
Contact Hospice Wairarapa
- Phone: 06 378 8888 0800 HOSPWAI (0800 4677924)
- Enquiries: admin@hospicewairarapa.co.nz
- Refer: referrals@hospicewairarapa.co.nz
Find more about palliative care under Community Health and District Nurses.