Around a third of people who visit Wairarapa Hospital identify themselves as disabled, and a quarter of people in New Zealand live with a disability.
The District Health Boards (DHBs) in our region (Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa) run a Disability Responsiveness Programme to empower disabled communities, making sure they have a voice within the health system and that their needs are addressed.
The disability responsiveness team works to educate staff, provide resources and work alongside the DHBs to create an enabling environment for people living with a disability or chronic condition.
Health Passport
Anyone with a long-term condition or disability, who has support needs, could benefit from using a Health Passport.
This has information about your health that belongs to you. You choose to write in it what you want a health professional to know about you. Examples could be how you want to be communicated with, or what gives you anxiety.
Using this tool means you don’t have to repeat yourself all the time and have a way of communicating with staff when you might not be able to.
Find out more about Health Passports.
Sub Regional Disability Strategy 2017-2022We launched our new strategy in June 2017. You can read the news story about it here and download a copy of the strategy here.
Disability alerts
At Wairarapa DHB, a disability alert, an icon shown within patient admin systems to alert the staff member that the patient has specific support needs, will be in place from March 2018.
Read more about disability alerts.
Sub-Regional Disability Advisory Group
A combined disability advisory group was established to ensure people with disabilities have a forum to enable their voices to be heard across the region (Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa DHBs).
The Sub-Regional Disability Advisory Group will advise the three boards and their board advisory committees on public health matters and disability support, as the three DHBs work in partnership to integrate their services.
As well as membership from across the DHBs, the advisory group has been set up to ensure representation from the Māori and Pacific communities, disability self-advocacy group People First, and other independent organisations.
Members of the Sub-Regional Disability Advisory Group will provide links and liaise with the multiple disability networks in their communities.
They will also oversee the 5-year Implementation Plan, which aims to ensure the sub-region leads the way to improved health outcomes for people who live with a disability.
Disability Action Group
The Disability Action Group will be set up in March 2018 to improve the way the way Wairarapa DHB works with people who have long-term health conditions and other kinds of impairments. This group is chaired by Dr Pauline Boyles, Senior Disability Advisor. The group is attended by staff from multiple disciplines, all directorates and other professional heads.
A network of champions has been established from this group to ensure all areas of expertise are used when issues occur. This system aims to improve the journey through the system for people whose needs are often difficult to meet within the usual pathways
Contact usPhone 0800 DISABILITY (0800 347 224 5489)
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Wairarapa DHB Reports and Publications