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Published Sunday 29 Mar 2020

A sad day for Aotearoa, with the first death from COVID-19 reported in our country. Our thoughts are with the family, and we offer our sincere condolences.

We also wish to extend our deepest gratitude to our hard working and dedicated staff, who are nothing short of fabulous, and to our partners Tu Ora Compass Health and the primary care teams who are right there alongside us fronting this response. Wairarapa is lucky to have such a passionate and committed team supporting our community.
The local approach to fighting COVID-19 is collaborative and many organisations are working with us. Thank you also to WREMO, RPH, CCDHB and HVDHB and our community providers, Maori & Pacifica engagement groups, ARCs, NGOs, local government, media and stakeholder partners who are all working so hard to ensure our Wairarapa region is best placed to Unite Against COVID-19.
This collegiality is integral to the success of this response, as is the commitment of our community. The decisions we all make, shape our health outcomes. Do the right thing, people.
He waka eke noa - we are all in this together.
Kia kaha Wairarapa x